Swamp Things

Only the hopelessly naive bought Trump’s populist promises to drain the Washington swamp, turn his back on Wall Street and become a new Andrew Jackson.

Now, as he selects more and more members of the coming Trump administration, it becomes clear the billionaire expert in strategic bankruptcy, nuisance litigation, employee maltreatment and discriminatory labor and rental practices is not going to change a lifetime of predatory practices just because of the lies he told to become president. So meet the new bosses, even worse than the old bosses.

It’s true that many of his picks lack Washington experience, like Trump, so can claim to be outsiders, but they are far from plausible defenders of the poor or working class. Instead of draining the swamp, he’s stocking it with people committed to robbing the poor to give to the rich.

So, his new Treasury secretary will be Steve Mnuchin, son of a Goldman Sachs lifer, brother of another and himself a seventeen-year veteran and partner of the firm at the epicenter of the 2008 banking and mortgage meltdown that crashed the economy. It was Goldman that helped create toxic instruments like credit default swaps and CDOs, that sold doomed securities it concocted while simultaneously shorting them to profit doubly when engineered disaster struck.

By then Mnuchin had seen a chance to buy one of the recklessly lending, ruined banks that Goldman had helped doom, got government help and taxpayer funding for its bailout and a safety net in case of expensive defaults. He promptly foreclosed on the homes 34,000 families, gave the bank a record of racial red-lining and sold the bank for over a 100 percent profit — a cool $3.4 billion.

He now promises to enact the Trump tax cuts that will favor corporations over people and give 50% of the tax breaks to the top one percent and 80% to the top 20% of earners while the people will foot the bill for the deficit created and get none of he benefit as in previous rounds of trickle-down economics.

Billionaire Wilbur Ross, a takeover artist famous for exporting U.S. Jobs to China will run Commerce where he means to reform trade deals to advantage American corporations, not citizens, and to gut Dodd-Frank, a measure designed to prevent another banking debacle, predatory lending and consumer abuse.

Since Ross at 79 years of age may not have the pep to do all that betrayal of the common man himself, his deputy will be Todd Ricketts, scion of the billionaire family whose fortune derives from the Ameritrade firm of online stock brokers. No doubt he too will have a deep interest in helping the little guy who has never owned a share of stock and has to work for a living.

Billionaire Betsy DeVos, of pyramid scheme Amway fortune, will run the Education Department and try to shift its focus from public education to charter schools that will favor students who perform well and shun those who need help.

Tom Price, heading for Health and Human Services, spent 20 years as an orthopedic surgeon and 12 as a conservative congressman. He’s worth a paltry $13 million but is a zealous Washington insider, an opponent of same-sex marriage, abortion and government health care. His first allegiance has not been to the poor patient but to his rich donors who prey on the sick — insurance companies, big pharma and hospital corporations. He has been the leader of the repeal Obamacare pack, wants to privatize Medicare, and let the states deal with Medicaid and it’s poor, sick patients. Problem solved.

Transportation will be turned over to Elaine Chao, the wife of Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, the king of the swamp. The Justice Department twill be entrusted o 20-year Senate veteran Jeff Sessions, another swamp thing in good standing.

So Trump, the savior of “the people” according to his campaign rhetoric, is turning the government over to Wall Street billionaires and right-wing insiders who aim to cut taxes on the rich, impoverish public schools that serve those who need them most, ship jobs overseas, make healthcare and reproductive services harder for the average person to access and afford, eliminate regulations that protect the sort of average citizens who may find they voted for change and got only a stupid hat.

The trouble with staffing the government with anti-government activists is their goal is to eliminate the government services people rely on. And the aims of private economy capitalists are in conflict with bettering the country in general. They want to better their bottom line, to turn a profit no matter if that requires foreclosing on homes, selling mortgages to people who can’t afford them, cutting corners through unsafe working conditions, replacing workers with offshore jobs or paying a wage too low to live on.They want to cut taxes on the billionaire class and cut healthcare. environmental and safety regulations for the working class.

By contrast, the purpose of government is to look out for all the people, not just the well-placed, in order, as the Constitution suggests, “to form a more perfect union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare.”

Will Trump and his cabinet pursue those liberal goals or their own self-aggrandizement and fringe ideology? Hope for the latter, but bet on the former. Senior citizens, conmen, ideologues and grafters rarely change the habits of a lifetime.

So anticipafe efforts to form a more perfect oligopoly, establish justice for the well-fixed and deny it to the common man, insure domestic haves keeping getiing and have nots don’t get in their way, provide for the feathering of the military-industrial complex’s nest and deploy its power to protect corporate interests, and promote the narrow welfare of the powerful and the rapacious exploitation of the weak.

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